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openapi-react-query is a type-safe tiny wrapper (1 kb) around @tanstack/react-query to work with OpenAPI schema.

It works by using openapi-fetch and openapi-typescript so you get all the following features:

  • ✅ No typos in URLs or params.
  • ✅ All parameters, request bodies, and responses are type-checked and 100% match your schema
  • ✅ No manual typing of your API
  • ✅ Eliminates any types that hide bugs
  • ✅ Also eliminates as type overrides that can also hide bugs
import createFetchClient from "openapi-fetch";
import createClient from "openapi-react-query";
import type { paths } from "./my-openapi-3-schema"; // generated by openapi-typescript

const fetchClient = createFetchClient<paths>({
  baseUrl: "",
const $api = createClient(fetchClient);

const MyComponent = () => {
  const { data, error, isLoading } = $api.useQuery(
      params: {
        path: { post_id: 5 },

  if (isLoading || !data) return "Loading...";

  if (error) return `An error occured: ${error.message}`;

  return <div>{data.title}</div>;


Install this library along with openapi-fetch and openapi-typescript:

npm i openapi-react-query openapi-fetch
npm i -D openapi-typescript typescript

Highly recommended

Enable noUncheckedIndexedAccess in your tsconfig.json (docs)

Next, generate TypeScript types from your OpenAPI schema using openapi-typescript:

npx openapi-typescript ./path/to/api/v1.yaml -o ./src/lib/api/v1.d.ts

Basic usage

Once your types has been generated from your schema, you can create a fetch client, a react-query client and start querying your API.

import createFetchClient from "openapi-fetch";
import createClient from "openapi-react-query";
import type { paths } from "./my-openapi-3-schema"; // generated by openapi-typescript

const fetchClient = createFetchClient<paths>({
  baseUrl: "",
const $api = createClient(fetchClient);

const MyComponent = () => {
  const { data, error, isLoading } = $api.useQuery(
      params: {
        path: { post_id: 5 },

  if (isLoading || !data) return "Loading...";

  if (error) return `An error occured: ${error.message}`;

  return <div>{data.title}</div>;


You can find more information about createFetchClient on the openapi-fetch documentation.